i have a geat need to exspress myself

i have lived,traveled,studied,searched,made friends with nature and made peace with my past! have made life as i want it to be, and i feel the need to express myself of all of my philosophies,findings,ideas etc will answer all emails that are friendly or curious and none that are hateful , and so i am here

Friday, April 30, 2010

the passing of a friend

for me it has been whats called the year of the fly's! in 4 months 5 family members and two friends have passed away!, in looking at the people left behind like myself and people closer i have found out a few things that i want to write! the biggest thing thought about is that we wont be able to talk to this person or listen to this person again and that they had so much life in them and its not right, we will miss them being in all the places and what they said,and when we do something they usually did we will remember them the most!,its the loss we feel and its harder then someone you love as a teen breaking up with you because you feel it forever!, it gets easier with time but it never leaves totally, you have lost a part of you and the size of the part depends on how close they were!,if its a spouse you can be totally lost and can only function enough to live! they were that much apart of you! and you can find yourself saying things like "if only" a lot,,, it can hurt so much that only time and support from others can help, time is really the only thing that can help! and even if someone new was to enter your life in the same way,we still and should keep the memories of the departed alive!. we know everyone passes on and you may experience many losses in your life, until your time comes,and then it will be the same for the people you left behind!, but we must remember that we still have life and life to live!,it is our duty to honor to honor the departed by living on, if not for you then for them!


  1. You left a heart-felt comment on the Thoreau blog, and so I stopped by to visit. Thank you for caring so deeply. I'm terribly sorrow to hear of your losses. Hugs.

  2. plant trees and go for walks around trees . nature is the calmest of things and brings a true depth of peace
