i have a geat need to exspress myself

i have lived,traveled,studied,searched,made friends with nature and made peace with my past! have made life as i want it to be, and i feel the need to express myself of all of my philosophies,findings,ideas etc will answer all emails that are friendly or curious and none that are hateful , and so i am here

Thursday, May 6, 2010


why is it that there are no philosophers anymore? there are philosophy teachers and students! but no philosophers!? in the early years of man there were many but in the last couple of centuries very few?.has it all been said ? do we know the human condition so well and nature ,the world ,no we dont! is it that we are fighting each other because our philosophies are different? yes! that brings shame to me!,because of a set of ways of how humans should behave and why, we will take the life from others!,it breeds hate but also love and understanding!,politics, religions, school teachings,are all philosophies!.i am the misguided philosopher because im terrified that one day my ideas may cause pain and suffering! every religion and political ideals on earth have caused millions to die!,perhaps others are scared to write philosophy and that's the answer to my question yet with or without my own ideals the killing wont stop! and i have the answer as do many, but once again you cant get everyone to heed them without war! so i have my answer,what have we done !. more on this later!?!?!

1 comment:

  1. E.M. Cioran once wrote:

    "Plotinus, Porphyry tells us, had the gift of reading men’s souls. One day, without any warning, he told his astounded disciple not to try killing himself but rather to take a journey. Porphyry left for Sicily: there he was cured of his melancholy but, he adds regretfully, he thereby missed being present at his master’s death, which occurred during his absence. It has been a long time since philosophers have read men’s souls. It is not their task, we are told. Perhaps. But we must not be surprised if they no longer matter much to us."

    Sadly, I'm afraid he is right.

    From my own experience, I have noticed that the most genuine philosophy comes from notebooks and journals: Thoreau, Camus, Marcus Aurelius, Kafka, even Kierkegaard and Pascal. It is good to see them question themselves in a way that other intentionally published writings do not.

    Philosophia, in the deepest sense is about asking questions. What is peddled around today is not philosophy, but mere ideology, where answers are ready-made.

