Saturday, July 31, 2010
damn buffalo damn beaver
that it what was said ! they hunted these animals almost to extinction, and there were countless numbers of them!, shot with guns hides ripped off them ate their tongues and left them there to rot!! then blamed the animals that there were not more of them to kill!!! it took the food source of the native people away, who only took what they needed and used all of it! but to blame the animal because you killed them all what kind of a mentality must you have!?? and even today hunters who hunt for sport are so proud of themselves for using semi automatic rifles to kill defenseless animals! where and how can you feel proud of yourself?? anyone with a finger can pull a trigger?? these are uneducated people trying to kill off deer whats left of a few species and blame them!!?, i mean those people must be so uneducated that they cant read this observation im making!!, "" i have gun me kill deer people think im big man put head on wall"" how many of these people die crossing the road! i forgot to look both ways? ya their eyes were caught in the headlights!!!! if i get one email telling me how much fun it is to murder animals! dont read my works ever again and dont even bother to email me!!!! you wont like my response!!!, and thats all i have to say about that!.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
summers for living
summer is the time we really get to enjoy who we are! the cold blanket of snow has left and we are witness to a multitude of birth and rebirth!,all is green and warm,the people are happier once again after spending so much time inside, its a rebirth for ourselves, a chance for us to change and start again if need be,,we shed our winter clothes and are warmed by the sun,we see and hear the birds and animals after their own slumbers and migrations, people in general are happier because their bodies and spirits have healed, the colors and aromas of a thousand flowers are everywhere to brighten our days. simple things like having coffee with my wife on the porch in the morning are relaxing and make the day worthwhile! just to start it with a simple gesture!, laughter is abundant with my friends who also enjoy the season!, its almost a reward for those long winter days!, may we all enjoy this time of year to let your spirits soar and realize our problems are a little bit smaller when you can take a walk and talk to a friend or loved one for no reason at all!!,enjoy this time and shine as bright as your spirit wishes!.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
my marriage
i seem to have a few friends who hate their wives!? why they stay married is beyond me? even more important what changed? from love and marriage to hate and staying together and having a miserable life forever?, i cant see it! im not an idiot and i know there's divorce and usually after a couple of years when people find out that they are not right for each other!,or one or both people comes out with there true traits that they didnt have before there vows!, i was married young myself and will not put blame on either side! and say we rushed the relationship a bit, fast before we knew what each others true colors were! but i wont be irresponsible and put all the blame on just one of us!,,i have a wife now i love with all my heart and we are good for each other! we have our scrapes and irritations but we talk things out like adults and we bend for each other!,people are not perfect and a relationship is never a perfect thing so we understand that and we wont let it get to the point of such anger!,because its a thing we dont like not each other!! we love each other and we must keep that at the front of everything!,we even change together as we spend time we grow, each of us and some things change! but we still complete each other!,or add a little to one another to make something nice!, i still remember what loneliness was and i will never have that again!, i will have a warm smile and someone to hold! we can count on each other to be there for them! and thats what marriage is about and should never be forgotten.
Monday, July 26, 2010
people amuse me
people amuse me to no end, usually its there stupidity!!! they will complain endlessly over things!!, one its something they can fix! but refuse to take the necessary steps to end their annoyance!? or two they have no control over the event so why complain!? its like saying at night time its dark and i dont like it ! well so what?!, everyday people complain about the government! i ask them if they have a better system? they all respond no! then dont complain about it, its the best system we have! and its a far sight better then most!,,i think they have nothing better to say so they complain rather then saying nothing!, they live in one of the best countries on earth! if they dont like it move! you have a roof over your head, a job, food on the table, kids,2 cars, and a wife of their choosing! hospitals, schools, friends,!? vacations,and more!!, i tell them of the people that would trade places with them, no they dont want that!! ya you got it pretty good !!! they shut up!! for a minute and start complaining about their wives ! you married her you dont like it divorce her! well the kids the house!!, i say you got one life are you going to live in such misery and waste it! they say i have no choice ! awww! poor you ! suck it up , and talk to me when you have something positive to say!!.
Friday, July 23, 2010
the party
every year for the last several years i have held a party at my house! i hold it at a strange time from 2 till six! thats it! the guests do not have to bring anything its all provided! but the guests are well varied! from the well to do, cab drivers,etc, every type of person you can think of! its a garden party and sometimes it rains and others are warm and sunny! some of the people are young and some old, no one there has anything in common with anyone else except me!?,,its amazing how well everyone gets along! no one is left out! and i try and circulate as much as i can! i get to see these people pretty much any time i like! i do it to see them all happy at once together its quite a thrill to see the people you know together and happy for a couple of hours! the cost of a couple of cases of beer and a few bottles of wine!, when i was a teen at one time we had a party every weekend and sometimes during the week! i have a couple of parties a year now and go to a few! what changed! i used to work at a bar and thursdays i would stay and drink with the boys!,once a week not now? why its the same guys at the bar! they are there pretty much every night i know why they are there!!?? thats it i was hoping i would think of an answer writing this! and i found it!!! my wife!! i love my wife!, once i married her i got all the companionship i wanted! the humor! the best friend! the love and care! all i need!, i still go out to the bar once a month or more but im happy with my wife she makes me happy enough and more!,i like the answer i found!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
child of morning
our children wake from their beds, rush, and go to school,weekends and holidays rise late the morning has passed them by!sad! even where houses are plenty, an adult must have the child wake early!,even with a coffee sit down on a back porch and waken with the world!!!as the world wakes so will he !! and notice that his own senses came alive with our world, the song of robins and sparrows! the smell of dew rising from the warmth of the sun which opens the flowering plants!, and a morning like this will be there for him for all time!he will go through that day slightly different then he would!, he will have an enhanced feeling of senses that day that will teach him a life lesson he will not understand it ! just where it came from!..Few will do this for a child and think it of no importance!!, then they should perhaps do it for themselves!. i wonder how many people have ever seen or experienced morning A REAL MORNING.
Friday, July 16, 2010
on this soil i was born
on this soil i was born!a native canadian i am not an american indian my forefathers were european! the origins of the people of this land crossed form the north from what is now russia by a bridge that no longer exists and to the south by tribes of the south american continent in the great lakes region vicious tribes lived and would be at war constantly!,early settlers of northern europe were slaughtered here by them,centuries later england settled in large numbers,the first being slaughtered but there were to many with advanced weapons!, every country on earth has been brutally murderous and conquered and have conquered! we have all done it!, brutal rapes, pillaging,murderous wars and spreading infections to the present day!, our country got its independence from britain in 1967 we were no longer under brittish rule!,now germany killed and tortured millions of people in the 30's and 40's should the descendants pay restitution forever? should italy pay restitution to the world for its atrocities forever and every country that has committed the same deeds do the same?,every country would have to be sorry and pay restitution to everybody forever?,like i said i am a native canadian born here,i am a gentle man and have never committed atrocities against my fellow man,i feel for anyone that has been hurt throughout the history of man! there is no tribe or nation who has not committed inhuman acts against another,i know of the atrocities my great great forefathers did and was done to them!! i feel for my fellow man and was told i was responsible for my forefathers? do i give my home ? do i walk forever in shame! should the christians all hang there heads forever, more people have died in the name of christianity then anything else? where do we draw the line or should there be a line? is britain responsible we were a colony?, NO i will help those i can and and be kind to my fellow man no matter the race! i will not feel shame of the world, as i to come from a conquered race! every day we have said we are civilized for thousands of years?, yet we are not! we have a long way to go! i have so many crosses to bare as do others! let us try each of us to deal with our own pains and learn from history and let us evolve past wars and pain! as i will deal with my own pain and shame!.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
a story
one can never know the full content of another!, i have known people who's lives can be summed up in a few words!,school,job,family,retirement,the end,,,,,oh they have a vacation and a wedding a couple of things thrown in! and these people are truly happy!!, nothing wrong with that!!, it was not for me it was the early school years and home life! i needed more i was not impressed with "so thats all there is"!,so i set out!,i wanted more at any expense! and it was done without money and with it! travel, jobs, people and culture! ideas from people thousands of miles away! learning what most never new existed and media wont cover so much!,wars are everywhere! so many people want to live alone or in communes because of people and what they do makes them sick!,most of them are long gone now,i wonder if they have been replaced by others!i remember a people that lived above the clouds on mountain inlets,they had flowers as big as cars! the smell knocked you back!,i always wondered if the world had caught up to them yet! that would be a very sad thing!,i met a man who had been in a war and lived on a hill alone,forgot how old he was, the year. and lived by the seasons! many times i wish i had stayed with him! he was jolly and wise! leaving him was very hard!,today i am often somber when i recollect these times! no one wants to even hear the stories!?!?, news, work,complaining,wants,jokes and family and sports!, i hold on tight when i find people that have more to offer! and kept my wife who is half crazy!!,there are so many worlds within worlds here,it was good to see them and to see the poorest people be the most contented, we should be with people! yet being with them will change you and there is very little you can do about it,,in the end be happy and dream.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
for myself !
i have to write this to try and get it out of my system, it still hurts! i had a friend and we were like brothers! almost every day for 2 years or more we hung out!,we would play and laugh like schoolboys! he collected toys thats how i met him! and thats the kind of shop i have! he even had a key to my house and business! we helped each other with everything!,always thrilled to see each other! it was perfect! then one day i got a very large shipment of toys in! there were loads of them! and he asked if he could buy a few of them! sure i said! the next day my high end toy guy came over and bought several things! me trying to keep my pals aside!but one got confused! my pal was there and said nothing just see you later!,next day he showed up at my door with the keys of mine and everything i had at his place the friendship was over!?, i did not understand and i was hurt and am still hurt! i even still consider him my friend!,a mutual acquaintance said to me mike did it not ever dawn on you that you were his only friend? and it hadn't!,,i make a point now with new friends that you cant be the kind of person that will throw away a friendship over something like one misunderstanding or to talk and see if we can fix the problem first!!,,, i dont know if this helped me? i would be his friend again in a second!, maybe one day we will talk over a beer!
time and time again i talk of passion!, to do this, or feel this,for one self it is high time i write of "compassion" for others or another! and im not talking about, "you get what you give" true as it is!,or giving a few dollars to help the orphans?,i know people who go to church and while they are there the level of compassion they show is grand! the way they talk and help and think it is a high they get and the chemicals flow through their bodies! and it makes them feel a true sense of elated character and are surrounded by others, it makes some cry and feint and feel exalted!, but after church is over how they change!! the chemicals leave their bodies and its like an addict they become moody and irritable, that is a proven fact!, they are reverting back to who they really are! soon they are comfortable in their own skin again as they realize, this!is who they are! and sundays are their drug!!!,, the thing is we can have this every day by feeling compassion by how you treat others!? strangers,elderly,even friends who need!, opening doors,kind words,carrying something,etc,etc,the list is end less!! the same chemicals are released in small doses and you might even notice a small smile on your face!,,and you have shown compassion and helped your fellow man.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
who are they?
thanks scott for letting me share my answer to you with others!. i will never say another man is out and out wrong! i may disagree but i will go no further,especially when it comes to thoreau!, i have not walked that mile in his shoes!,nor have i lived his life the way he lived his!,,i have not grown up the same or in the same time frame,schooling,parents,brain activity,experiences,memory,culture,personality differences,the list is endless!,, and one man should never profess to know the mind of another!,, i have wonderful debates with friends and strangers for that matter and i enjoy nothing more then hearing another mans perspective on things,which can alter my own or add to it, and change it!!!,to learn from another who is willing to share with you, is one of the greatest gifts one can give to another!. michael jameson
Friday, July 9, 2010
the answer
i found it !!!!! why people ignore me with a pleasant good morning or why they wont comment on thoreau's site!!! i wrote the answer in my other site!!! its FEAR!!!!! people are terrified !, to look like their stupid or their friends might see it and tease them! or shun them!, the media has scared them so much, crime and tragedy on the front pages, movies! they dont think so but they live in fear!, family and a few close friends their house with locks scared of the world! what a horrible way to live!!! and you cant change it!. read my story on thoreau and beyond on webs site builder the populace are terrified to live!!!! and people died so we could speak freely!! shame on you ! you have ideas , stories , feelings! ITS YOUR WORLD TO SHARE TOO
Monday, July 5, 2010
once again people, help me
the never ending behavior of people astonishes me!! and again a woman walking down the main street, i say good morning with a smile and this woman walks by with nothing!, i say "how civilized" loud enough for her to here! then i greet a man good morning and he replies morning! the woman is looking at me pointing to herself, i nod, oh! the stare i got!?????? i need someone to write me and tell me why when someone mostly woman are greeted with good day in passing im ignored??? im a good looking guy still! its women from 30-50, older people are happy to be greeted! younger may do it out of respect?,men always seem to do it! so what is it ???? and if i say how civilized after! they react then?! so fear cant be it!? so will a kind reader help me if they can? please im baffled? michael jameson
Friday, July 2, 2010
passion lost
i react upon my passions !! we all do!, passions lost are one of the things that can destroy the spirit!! and if to many passions are lost and there are no new ones to take there place!, a horrible thing happens!,,depression!, followed by loss of ambition and drive!, then you do things because they need to be done ! you eat just to take in nourishment! and even deciding what to eat is a chore!,,, instead of creating you let the box entertain you! then sleeping becomes trouble!!! you either sleep just not to be awake or you cant sleep and you must be drugged to sleep!!,, and the depressed person is not an idiot! he knows and sees it going on and he even understands !? its the amount of care! he just doesn't care ! and if he does care it makes it worse!,that's when he needs to get help!! and mostly from themselves!! they need a passion back or find a new one!!! the more passions one has the happier one is! passion lets you create show talent makes yourself feel good!! lets others in! gives you strength! a future!, life! and any life is worth living! its what you get! and when it comes right down to it! its all you get! everything else you have to work for or hard at! even if you start with a journal! and for heavens sake dont put down ate watched t.v. and went to bed!.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
not again and no more of them
freedom of the press! thats what your doing when writing here! its writing that is open to all to read without repression ! yet i have been told to change it and it has been used against me!!! to hurt my feelings,to make me look stupid,and that it might hurt another?,,, it so true i tell you that the ones closest to you can hurt you the most!,your caring level is higher towards them!. i will not share any more of my blog sites with with certain individuals!, for i am still a man and have every emotion,feeling,weakness,strength,as every other man !! and thomas i now understand why you would not write!?! you told me you did not want family and friends seeing and playing with your feelings and using them in jest! i will not stop writing yet methinks i will be select when allowing the ones dearest to me where i write!! How sad indeed!!! when my feelings and expressions are to be edited " what good is it when i cant even sing to you" , when your work becomes that of another! even subconsciously ! i hear it come out and my own head shakes !,, i am told to weigh the responses? so many glorious thank yous, new friends, students, people of conscious, philosophers,teachers, my heart and my thanks is with them!.
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