i have a geat need to exspress myself

i have lived,traveled,studied,searched,made friends with nature and made peace with my past! have made life as i want it to be, and i feel the need to express myself of all of my philosophies,findings,ideas etc will answer all emails that are friendly or curious and none that are hateful , and so i am here

Thursday, July 15, 2010

a story

one can never know the full content of another!, i have known people who's lives can be summed up in a few words!,school,job,family,retirement,the end,,,,,oh they have a vacation and a wedding a couple of things thrown in! and these people are truly happy!!, nothing wrong with that!!, it was not for me it was the early school years and home life! i needed more i was not impressed with "so thats all there is"!,so i set out!,i wanted more at any expense! and it was done without money and with it! travel, jobs, people and culture! ideas from people thousands of miles away! learning what most never new existed and media wont cover so much!,wars are everywhere! so many people want to live alone or in communes because of people and what they do makes them sick!,most of them are long gone now,i wonder if they have been replaced by others!i remember a people that lived above the clouds on mountain inlets,they had flowers as big as cars! the smell knocked you back!,i always wondered if the world had caught up to them yet! that would be a very sad thing!,i met a man who had been in a war and lived on a hill alone,forgot how old he was, the year. and lived by the seasons! many times i wish i had stayed with him! he was jolly and wise! leaving him was very hard!,today i am often somber when i recollect these times! no one wants to even hear the stories!?!?, news, work,complaining,wants,jokes and family and sports!, i hold on tight when i find people that have more to offer! and kept my wife who is half crazy!!,there are so many worlds within worlds here,it was good to see them and to see the poorest people be the most contented, we should be with people! yet being with them will change you and there is very little you can do about it,,in the end be happy and dream.

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