i have a geat need to exspress myself

i have lived,traveled,studied,searched,made friends with nature and made peace with my past! have made life as i want it to be, and i feel the need to express myself of all of my philosophies,findings,ideas etc will answer all emails that are friendly or curious and none that are hateful , and so i am here

Saturday, June 26, 2010


i just wrote about hate on another site! in particular about racism and i still need to get it out of my system!!, we do not hate other people, we might hate what they do or how they have been taught or even brainwashed, but we do not hate because there different! and we have no right to force our beliefs on them !, some people believe that their way is the right way and the only way! if they are not hurting anybody let them have what makes them happy!and be who they are! unless they have been psychologically forced to do what they do!, but just because you are white, someone brown should not hate you! and if you are irish a person from ghana should not hate you!, we are all different because we were born in a certain part of the world, so if you do hate for one of those reasons its stupid!, should i hate you because your stupid? no! you just have not learned somethings yet! let us strive for humanity to each other before all else!, or, it will be short against tall!, left handed against right handed!, and one day someone will come to this planet and find out that we were a stupid people!, if you need to hate , hate yourself for hating .

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